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How To Choose A Translator

Getting accurate translations can save a lot of issues for your business (just see these funny marketing mistranslations for evidence!).   If you don’t speak the target language you want to translate into, how will you know you’re going to avoid a mistranslation fail? The answer: choose your translator wisely!   In this post, we’ve … Continued

Interpreter vs Translator: What’s the Difference?

The terms “interpreter” and “translator” are often used interchangeably, but they’re not the same. It’s actually uncommon to be trained as both an interpreter and translator!   In this article, we’re going to run through the key differences, as well as the similarities, between interpreters and translators.   What is an interpreter? An interpreter is … Continued

The Best Languages to Learn (And Why!)

If, like most of us, you’re always dreaming of your next getaway, why not challenge yourself to learn a new language?  You get a bunch of benefits, whether it’s finally watching that foreign language film without the subtitles, or gaining a bilingual advantage in the eyes of employers. Undoubtedly, some languages are easier than others … Continued

The Best Foreign Language Films You Must Watch

“Once you overcome the one-inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films”. These words of wisdom are straight from the mouth of 2020 Oscar-winning director, Bong Joon-Ho shortly after receiving the best-picture award for his film, Parasite. Despite Korean being one of the hardest languages to learn, it … Continued

What are the oldest languages in the world?

Once upon a time, human beings communicated in gestures and grunts. You’d point at a deer, grunt, and mimic throwing a spear. That’s all it would take. Somewhere along the lines, things changed. The grunts became more intricate and, after quite some time, evolved into fully fledged languages. But the evolution of language was a … Continued

Lexical Gaps in the English Language

It’s the start of the new decade, which also means it’s a great time to reflect on everything that went before – that includes some great new words!   2019 was, among other things, the year of Greta Thunberg, Extinction Rebellion and the ‘Climate Crisis’. In Sweden, this was marked by neologisms such as ‘flygskam’ … Continued

Machine Translation vs Human Translation: Which is best?

There’s no doubt that machine translation has transformed the way in which individuals and businesses translate text from one language to the next. We never have to have that awkward conversation with a waiter on holiday when we can’t read the menu thanks to machine translation services such as Google Lens. Although, for all it’s … Continued

Doric, the Language of Aberdeen?

Scots is one of the main languages of Scotland but even Scots has numerous dialects, one of which is Doric, the dialect of Aberdeen and the northeast of Scotland. Doric is such a distinct dialect that some even argue it is a language of its own. However, we must mention that in recent years it … Continued

20+ Words the English Language Is Desperately Missing

The English language is great. It has thick roots in Latin, French and German. Upon that polyglot skeleton it adopted parts from Greek, Old Norse, Norman, Dutch, Indian, Hebrew, Japanese and countless others. Through this, it adopted ideas, ways of speaking and ways of framing the world. Don’t think English isn’t creative, though. It’s a … Continued


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